Tobias Ritter, Harvard University, USA, receives the BASF Catalysis Award

Tobias Ritter Gets Catalysis Award

Ryoji Noyori Introduces RIKEN
Ryoji Noyori Introduces RIKEN, Japan’s flagship institution for comprehensive scientific research

At Last, A Definitive Periodic Table?
ChemistryViews article and ensuing discussion has spawned a development in this field courtesy of UCLA chemistry professor E. Scerri

Shortest Fullerene-Peapod
Size-selective encapsulation of C60 by [10]CPP reported , which represents the shortest fullerene-peapod

Angewandte Chemie 30/2011: Noble Chemistry
Overview of the current issue of Angewandte Chemie

Printing Electronics
Antisolvent crystallization exploited to allow build single-crystal films for electronics applications using an inkjet printer

Little Tetrahedra
Cross-coupling reaction leads to a pyridine-based ligand with a rigid tetrahedral core in good yield — a geometry little explored to date

Nanotubes for Electrocatalytic Water Splitting
Tailored functionalization of carbon nanotubes for electrocatalytic water splitting and sustainable energy applications

Ozone Catcher
Porous iron oxide material effectively removes ozone from air and could lead to a new generation of ozone filters

MOFs for Biobutanol Separation
Zeolitic imidazolate framework suitable for separation of biobutanol (alternative to petroleum-based chemical) from fermentation broth