Peter Atkins, author of many chemistry textbooks, talks about the importance of illustrations in chemistry
Wissenschaftsforum: P. Atkins on Visualizing Chemistry
Trapped Titania Lights Up Reactions
The photocatalytic activity of titania moves from UV to visible light if trapped within carbon nanotubes, opening up new applications
Peter Bruce Wins Arfvedson Schlenk Prize
Peter Bruce, University of St Andrews, Scotland, has received the Arfvedson Schlenk Prize for his work on lithium chemistry
Goldilocks and the Three Water-Splitting Complexes
Making complexes that absorb light and split water can be as difficult as making porridge for Goldilocks as steric and electronic factors clash
Top Universities in the World
Cambridge University, UK, has topped a league table of the world's best universities, with Harvard and MIT, USA, ranked second and third
Do You Fit The Angewandte Mold?
Do all chemists like sushi? Do they have a typical hobby? And if so, what is it? ChemViews finds out ...
Women in Chemistry — Interview with Danielle Ballivet-Tkatchenko
Danielle Ballivet-Tkatchenko, University of Bourgogne, France, is a leading researcher in the field of CO2 conversion and utilization
Ferdi Schüth Receives the Wöhler Prize
Ferdi Schüth, Max Planck Institute for Coal Research, Germany, receives GDCh prize for processes that conserve resources
Andreas Pfaltz Gives Heilbronner Hückel Lecture
Andreas Pfaltz, University of Basel, Switzerland, is the first Swiss scientist to give the Heilbronner Hückel Lecture
Women in Chemistry — Interview with Ulrike Flad
Ulrike Flad is the granddaughter of the founder of the Dr. Flad Institute in Stuttgart, Germany, and will take over its management from her father