Richard Zare, Stanford University, USA, discusses his editorial on why the West should help China develop its science
ACS Meeting Denver: R. Zare on China
New Practical Hydrogen Storage Material
Iron veins running through grains of magnesium allow fast and reversible uptake of enough H2 to power a car
Unusual Aromaticity in Boron Wheels
Aromatic planar boron rings with metal centers display unusual bonding and aromaticity
Separating O2 from Air with Less Energy
Metal–organic framework that selectively binds oxygen could separate oxygen from air in a less energy-intensive way
Polymerization-Powered Microspiders
Polymerization reaction drives micromotor that weaves a web and can be directed towards specific targets
ACS Meeting Denver: Timothy Long on Exciting New Polymers
Timothy Long, VirginiaTech, USA, talks about new charged polymers for biomedical applications
The Future of Chemical Education
Peter Atkins discusses the future of chemical education and the role of the multimedia electronic textbook
Positively Coating Nanoparticles
Positively charged nanoparticles generated for the first time by versatile and general method that wraps them in amphiphilic polymers
Wolfram Koch on the GDCh’s Top Event
Wolfram Koch, Executive Director, GDCh, talks about the up-coming Wissenschaftsforum Chemie 2011 in Bremen, Germany
Interview with Weifeng Ding
Weifeng Ding, Scientific Editor Chinese Journal of Chemistry, discusses the differences between the Shanghai and Weinheim editorial offices