First hydrogenation of urea derivatives to amines and methanol is reported and opens the way for indirect CO2 hydrogenation

First Catalytic Hydrogenation of Urea Derivatives

Utilization of Greenhouse Gases
A series of bimetallic catalysts was studied for the utilization of greenhouse gases in syngas production

Improving Nuclear Waste Containment
Plutonium's unusual interactions with clay may minimize leakage of nuclear waste

New Light Absorbing Material
New material that absorbs a wide range of wavelengths could lead to more efficient and less expensive solar technology

Angewandte Chemie 45/2011: A Variety of Shapes
An overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Chemistry of the Christmas Candle — Part 1
When we light a candle, the chemistry we are pursuing is not only especially beautiful, but also especially complex

Rebuilding the Periodic Debate — Philip Stewart
The Periodic Debate has attracted many comments; we speak to Philip Stewart, one of the leading commenters

The Key to Nanoplate Production
Study of the role of each reagent in silver nanoplate reduction reveals that citrate is not the key component as previously thought

Wonderlab Comic — Power Outage
Wonderlab is undergoing some scheduled maintenance and Sophie is sure she turned everything off

Rebuilding the Periodic Debate — Eric Scerri
The Periodic Debate has attracted many comments; we speak to Eric Scerri, one of the leading commenters