Hybrid material made of collagen fibers and silica can be used as a possible substrate for bone tissue culture

Glass Sponges for Building Bones

Get Knotted
A complex pentafoil knot comprising, not of DNA as were previous knots, but a synthetic organometallic system

Sensible Use of Biomass
A chemical industry based on renewable resources is looking more necessary than ever, but how will we get there?

Octane from Biomass under Mild Conditions
Furfural is converted into octane in high yields at relatively low pressures and temperatures with two bifunctional catalysts

Bidentate Chelates with Larger Spacers
Chelating Lewis acids prepared by double hydroalumination of dialkynylsilanes have improved flexibility for better coordination

High Selectivity in Gas Phase Heterogeneous Catalysis
Dispersed palladium nanoparticles can be highly active catalysts for the gasphase reaction of methanol oxidation

Transition Metal-Based Frustrated Lewis Pairs
Transition metal-based analogues of frustrated Lewis pairs undergo reactivity not seen with their main group counterparts

Carbon Dioxide Recycling?
Diagonal approach for the reductive functionalization of carbon dioxide combines two different approaches for the use of carbon dioxide

Dehydrosulfurization with Pt Catalyst
Mechanistic insights into roll-over cyclometalation may help develop new catalysts for the dehydrosulfurization of S-containing hydrocarbons

Ziegler–Natta Catalyst Support Structure
The crystal structures of three MgCl2•nEtOH adducts used as precursors for the generation of Ziegler–Natta catalysts have been solved