New Concept in Catalysis

New Concept in Catalysis

Room temperature arylation is possible with new catalytic concept that combines light-activated catalysis with Pd-based functionalization

Dehydrocoupling of Boranes

Dehydrocoupling of Boranes

New one-step procedure for the synthesis of two of the most widely used and synthetically relevant diboranes(4), B2Cat2 and B2Pin2

University World Rankings

University World Rankings

TimesHE ranks the American universities top in league table headed by Caltech with Harvard and Stanford second and third

Get Knotted

Get Knotted

A complex pentafoil knot comprising, not of DNA as were previous knots, but a synthetic organometallic system

Sensible Use of Biomass

Sensible Use of Biomass

A chemical industry based on renewable resources is looking more necessary than ever, but how will we get there?