Chromium complexes in γ-Al2O3 pellets monitored by in-time UV/Vis and Raman spectroscopy reveal egg-like microdistributions
Egg-like Distribution Preferred to Uniform
New Binding Mode
A new binding mode for the anion [{cyclo-(P5tBu4)}PtBu]– was observed with a phosphorus-rich manganese(I) complex
Armido Studer on Radical Chemistry
Professor Armido Studer talks about the field of radical chemistry, his research, and why teaching is important
Dynamic Photoswitching in Liquid Crystals
First chiral dopants that induce a helical inversion in chiral nematic liquid crystals (N*-LC) may be applicable for advanced optical memory devices
CatchBio — Speaking With Consortium Partners
B. Weckhuysen, E. Bouwnan, E. de Jong, consortium partners in CatchBio, talk about their experiences, their expectations, why CatchBio is so unique
Wonderlab Comic — Open
In every lab there are three cursed objects that should never be opened — Wonderlab is no different ...
1,000,000 Impacting 200,000,000
Global project to provide one million chemistry kits to two million students in the developing world launched
Editor-in-Chief of ChemViews Awarded
Vera Köster, Wiley-VCH, is awarded for the planning, development, and running of the ChemistryViews website
Daniel Seidel Awarded
Daniel Seidel, Rutgers University, awarded the Carl Duisberg Memorial Award for his work on organocatalysis and C–H bond activation
Angewandte Chemie 10/2012: Click! Goes the Sulfur
An overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie