Side-on bonded anionic phosphanylphos phinidene complexes of tungsten are readily synthesized

Tungsten Phosphanylphosphinidene Complexes

Angewandte Chemie 25/2012: Never Boring, Always Magic
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Leaves Reveal their Materialistic Nature
Plant cystoliths: A complex functional biocomposite of four distinct silica and amorphous calcium carbonate phases

Painkiller by Photosynthesis
Selective and effective: silicon nanowires as photoelectrodes for carbon dioxide fixation

Nobel Prize Reduced to Safeguard Long-Term Capital
Size of the Nobel Prize is being reduced by 20 % to safeguard long-term capital

Fast Track to Latest Research
Early View articles of 170 peer-reviewed chemistry journals — keep yourself easily up-to-date about the latest findings in your field

Electron-Donating Tetrathienyl-Substituted Borole
Thienyl-substituted borole with pronounced electron-donating character as new example of borolebased π-conjugated compounds designed

Reactivity at Air-Water Interface
Chemical properties at the air-water interface of the atmospherically important free radicals were investigated by computer simulations

Angewandte Author Profiles June 2012
Max Malacria, Kiyotomi Kaneda, Zuowei Xie, and Helmut Schwarz are interviewed this month

French Chemical Society Awards
The French Chemical Society has presented several awards at a ceremony at the University Claude Bernard, Lyon