Compound modeled on active site of oxidizing enzymes could underpin new catalysts for the conversion of methane

Enzyme Mimic Oxidizes Methane

Achim Müller Receives €1.2 Million Grant
Achim Müller, University of Bielefeld, Germany, has received the highest scientific award of the European Union

Young Chemists at EuCheMS Chemistry Congress in Prague
Not only renowned scientists, but a lot of young chemists from different countries gave talks at the EuCheMS Congress in Prague

Scratching the Surface of Gold Nanocatalysts
In situ aberration-corrected electron microscopy aids the investigation of deactivation of catalytic gold nanoparticles

An Aqueous Solution
Addition of zwitterions to ionic liquids allows them to be loaded up with water allowing dissolution of biological molecules without degradation

Etching Acids for Silicon Surfaces
Scientists analyzed how the composition of etching solutions determines the texture of silicon surfaces

Heinrich Roessler Award for H. W. Roesky
Herbert Roesky has been awarded the Heinrich Roessler Prize of the GDCh for his outstanding contribution to teaching

Who's Next? 2012 Nobel Prize in Chemistry – Final Voting Results Wednesday 10 October
Final summary of results for ChemistryViews readers likely and unlikely, serious and whimsical suggestions for Nobel Prize winners

Far Too Sensitive Explosives
Scientists prepared a highly energetic cation by amination of a tetrazole derivative

University World Ranking 2012 by TimesHE
The Times Higher Education University Ranking places Caltech in the top spot with the Univeristy of Oxford and Stanford joint second