The structural arrangement of Au/γ-Fe2O3 binary nanoparticle assemblies can be controlled resulting in integrated and segregated assemblies

Integrated and Segregated Binary Nanoparticle Assemblies

Angewandte Chemie 47/2012: A Rich Harvest
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Iron-Catalyzed Hydroboration
Iron carbonyl complex catalyzes hydroboration of alkynes under non-inert conditions, making it simple and synthetically useful

Attractiveness of the EU for Top Scientists
Study on how attractive the EU is for top international scientists and how it can improve its performance in this area

Angewandte Chemie 46/2012: Creating a Pattern
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Modular Design for Delivery
Attach an address module and a cell-penetrating peptide for delivery of lanthanide-scandium mixed-metal cluster fullerenes

Single-Crystal X‑Ray Diffraction of Yb@C82
Single crystals of three soluble Yb@C82 isomers allowed accurate crystallographic elucidation of their molecular structures

New Catalyst for Photocatalytic H2 Production
A molecular catalyst system containing only earth-abundant elements is combined with graphitic carbon nitride as photosensitizer

Where Chemical Education is Heading: Interview with Peter Mahaffy
P. Mahaffy, Canada, talks about the need to change the way of teaching chemistry and where he sees chemical education in 50 years

Metal-Free Electrocatalysts for Fuel Cells
Carbon nanotubes functionalized with poly(imidazolium) zwitterions show excellent activity in the oxygen reduction reaction