Single crystals of three soluble Yb@C82 isomers allowed accurate crystallographic elucidation of their molecular structures
Single-Crystal X‑Ray Diffraction of Yb@C82
New Catalyst for Photocatalytic H2 Production
A molecular catalyst system containing only earth-abundant elements is combined with graphitic carbon nitride as photosensitizer
Where Chemical Education is Heading: Interview with Peter Mahaffy
P. Mahaffy, Canada, talks about the need to change the way of teaching chemistry and where he sees chemical education in 50 years
Metal-Free Electrocatalysts for Fuel Cells
Carbon nanotubes functionalized with poly(imidazolium) zwitterions show excellent activity in the oxygen reduction reaction
Wonderlab Comic – Poster Session
Ever struggled to engage a student in a conversation at a poster session? Wonderlab explores some of the reasons why
Butterfly Effects in Nano Solutions
What almost sounds like a weird solution memory effect, homeopathy almost, is important for reproducibility of experiments and controlling parameters
Tips and Tricks for the Lab: Growing Crystals Part 3
How do you grow a crystal if your compound decomposes in air? We look at techniques that work for both air-sensitive and air-stable compounds
History and Usage of Arrows in Chemistry
Arrows are used in almost every field of human activity; in chemistry, it has evolved with our understanding of substances, reactivity, and structure
Organic Ionic Plastic Crystals
New series of ionic liquids with low viscosities, good ionic conductivities, and wide plastic phase ranges has been prepared
3D Aligned CuInS2 Chalcopyrite Nanorod Arrays
Synthesis of polycrystalline ternary CuInS2 nanorods with stoichiometric composition by using a nanocasting approach