Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Angewandte Chemie 23/2013: Let There Be Light

Turning Around the Synthesis of Hexaphyrins
Bottom-up, stepwise synthesis allows construction of peripherally functionalized hexaphyrins with unsubstituted meso carbon atoms

Making Colors from Black and White
Colorfast pigments made from amorphous arrays of silicon dioxide and carbon black

Most Accessed Articles: April 2013
The most-accessed chemistry articles from ChemPubSoc Europe and GDCh journals for April 2013

French Chemical Society National and Bi-national Awards
The winners of the annual national and bi-national prizes of the SCF include Klaus Müllen, Santiago Alvarez Reverter, and Samir Zard

Pincer Carbene Enables Nitrile Coupling
Pincer carbene ligands mediate the coupling of a coordinated acetonitrile ligand and its unusual reactivity opens application in catalysis

Stronger Metals through Narrow Grain Distribution
Narrowing the distribution of grain sizes in nickel-titanium thin films could make them stronger

Better Photocatalytic Properties for Semiconductor
A ZnO/TiO2 heterojunction semiconductor photocatalyst in which two reactive TiO2 {001} facets are untouched by the ZnO

Oxidizing Water with Superhalogens?
Superhalogens, inorganic entities with extraordinarily high electron affinities, could theoretically ionize water clusters

Thermally Stable Silver-Containing Ionic Liquids
Thermally stable ionic liquids prepared for the electrodeposition of metallic silver with high deposition rates