Textiles with metal–organic framework materials adsorb and degrade chemical warfare agents
Self-Detoxifying Filters
CWTS Leiden Ranking 2015
Assessing the scientific performance of 750 universities based on bibliometric indicators
French Chemical Society Awards Pierre Süe Prize
Michel Ephritikhine and Claude Mirodatos honored
Sandwich-Powered Batteries
Sandwich-structured ternary composites as superior anode materials for lithium-ion batteries
NMR Data on Your Phone or Tablet
App to quickly visualize, process, analyze, and share NMR data on mobile devices
Multi-Functional Silicone Microspheres
Magnetic, fluorescent, and biocompatible microspheres synthesized by ultrasonic spray pyrolysis
The Art of Chemistry (9)
Quiz celebrating 20 years of cover art at Chemistry – A European Journal
100th Anniversary: Clara Immerwahr's Death
A role model for her pursuit of science in spite of obstacles and for her strong moral convictions
New Tunable Phosphorus-Doped Conductor
Transparent titanium dioxide photocatalyst with tunable electronic properties
Molybdenum Disulfide Switches Under Pressure
Monolayer molybdenum disulfide changes its bandgap under pressure, switches from a photon emitter to a non-emitter