Angela Agostiano, University of Bari, has been elected President of the Italian Chemical Society (SCI)

New SCI President

2017 ACS President
The new President of the American Chemical Society (ACS) is Dr. Allison A. Campbell, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Happy New Year
We wish you all the best for a peaceful, healthy and successful 2017

Angewandte Chemie 1/2017: Happy New Year!
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Shift in Perspective
Learning to communicate and cooperate with artists and other non-scientists

Angewandte Chemie 52/2016: Happy Holidays and Thanks to Authors, Referees, and Readers
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Chemistry Street Stars
Talking about chemistry with people on the street

Water-Stable MOFs Made Simple
Improving the stability of metal-organic frameworks in water by embedding in a polymer monolith

Synthesis of Si3H4
Elusive chemical species synthesized using crossed molecular beam machine

High-Yield Graphene Production
Synthesis from graphite using ball-milling and a protective diluent has game-changer yield of over 90 %