Colorimetric change of metal-organic framework in presence of alkanes
MOFs Detect Alkanes
Metalating a Covalent Organic Framework
Nickel incorporated into 3D COF for the first time
Most Accessed Articles: October 2016
The most-accessed chemistry articles from ChemPubSoc Europe, ACES, and GDCh journals
Nanoparticle Networks for Improved Catalysis
Mesoporous networks of crosslinked nanoparticles as potential catalysts for styrene oxidation
Safer Pyrotechnic Fog
Phosphorus nitride could be used as a friction-stable, fast-burning, and very effective pyrotechnic obscurant
Ultralight Porous Carbon Nanotube Sponges
Simple binder-free self-assembly process yields carbon nanotube sponges with hierarchical porous structure
Graphene Acid
A new stoichiometric graphene derivative
A Vibrant Science Lives from Within
Chemistry has a role to play everywhere, from life sciences to energy technology, but needs to remain attractive to young scientists
Bisulfate Anion Dimers
Two bisulfate ions can form a hydrogen-bonded dimer in a neutral molecular receptor
Lithium Ion Extraction
Composite membrane for the effective separation of lithium from contaminants in brines