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75th Guess the Chemist

Particulate Matter
Looking at size, formation, distribution, impact on humans related to fine particles or fine dust

Conductivity Changes with Thickness
Reduced thickness causes metallic material to become semiconducting

Regulating Diffusion in Wet Chemistry
Melting frozen metal salts into reducing solutions controls nucleation of atomically dispersed metals

Heterometallic Polymers for Catalysis
Palladium–copper complexes show excellent catalytic activity

n-Type Organic Semiconductors
Azaacenes containing B←N units have low-lying LUMO energy levels and n-type character

Scalable Synthesis of Fluorinated Graphene Nanosheets
Thermal exfoliation of fluorinated graphite for high-yield synthesis

Using Halogen Bonds to Build a Catalyst
First example of halogen bonds as a tool for the self-assembly of transition-metal catalysts

Angewandte Chemie 8/2018: Reverse and Add
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Chinese Lanterns/中国灯笼
In the traditional Chinese calendar, the year of the Dog starts today