Metal-organic framework (MOF)-based catalyst absorbs all parts of the solar spectrum

Light-Responsive Composite for Photocatalysis

Angewandte Chemie 23/2018: Interplay
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Lithium and Copper React under Pressure
First lithium-copper compounds synthesized

100th Anniversary: Death of Alexander Mitscherlich
German chemist was one of the inventors of the sulfite process for the production of cellulose

Color Change Unmasks Lead
Triplex-signal chemosensor for naked-eye and spectrometric lead detection

Group 15 Carbene Analogues
Divalent bismuthenium and stibenium ions with bulky substituents and weakly coordinating anions synthesized

Angewandte Chemie 22/2018: The Mind Gap
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

High Capacity by Double Activation
Potassium vanadophosphate as multi-electron cathode material for sodium-ion batteries (NIBs)

Metal-Organic Framework Contracts upon Heating
First example of 3D negative thermal expansion in a low-symmetry MOF

1st Chemistry – An Innovation Forum
A short but impressive event