Hybrid perovskites with molecular anions

First Hybrid Perovskites with Mixed Molecular X‐Site Linkers

Selectively Erasable Ink for 3D Printing
Different inks can be erased independently of each other

d6 Transition Metal Oxo Complexes
Isolation of two unusual Co(III)-oxo complexes

Synthesis of Icosahedral Silver Nanocrystals
Understanding nucleation and growth processes

Molecular Sieve Helps to Detect DDT
Ultrasensitive detection of small pollutants performed with surface-enhanced Raman scattering by using multifunctional colloidal material

ChemPubSoc Europe Fellows 2016/2017
ChemPubSoc Europe is proud to announce its new Fellows

Improving the Carrier Mobility in MoS2
Suppressing scattering in molybdenum disulfide

A Plea for Original Fundamental Research
What are the characteristics of good research?

Angewandte Chemie 33/2018: Burning Issues
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Improved Blue Luminescent Perovskites
High quantum yield for next-generation displays