Synchrotron X-ray diffraction reveals plumbonacrite mineral

Rare Lead Mineral in Rembrandt's Paintings

Biomimetic Catalysts for Water Splitting
Cluster with exchangeable solvent ligands mimics the oxygen-evolving complex in photosynthesis

Polycyclic N-Oxides as High-Performance Energetic Materials
Stable, insensitive compounds with good detonation properties

Silicon-Aluminium Six-Ring Synthesized
Inorganic, cyclohexane-like structure with chair conformation

Angewandte Chemie 5/2019: Better Language for Chemistry
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

1,2-Thiaphosphetanes Synthesized
First P(III) 1,2-thiaphosphetanes and their complexes with group 6 metals

High-Performance Anode Material for Potassium-Ion Batteries
Sb nanoparticles encapsulated in a carbon sphere network provide high capacity

Behind the Science: Lead‐Free Semiconductors
C. Cobley, ChemNanoMat, talked to J. Vela, Iowa State University, USA, about his work on germanium-based semiconductor nanoparticles

Ammonia by Phosphorus Catalysis
Ammonia synthesis through electroreduction of nitrogen on black phosphorus nanosheets

Nanosheets for Alkaline Water Splitting
Heteroatom-doped molybdenum-diselenide nanosheets with enhanced hydrogen-evolution kinetics