Colloidal synthesis of few-layer cobalt, zinc, cadmium, and lead sulfide

Atomically Thin Metal Sulfides Synthesized

IUPAC 2019 in Paris
Bringing scientists from around the world together

Automated Research Data Management
The NFDI4Chem consortium aims to digitalize and cross-link all data-based processes in chemistry

Angewandte Chemie 30/2019: Expanding the Repertoire
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Understanding Phase Transitions in 2D Indium Selenide
Thermally driven β-to-β' phase transformation investigated

Exploring the Chemistry of Thiaboranes
Reactivity and stability of thioboranes studied using experimental and computational methods

Porous Organic Framework for Acetylene/Ethylene Separation
Stable crystalline polyimide framework provides high selectivity

Silicon‐Mediated Synthesis of Acetamides
Coupling of carbon monoxide, ammonia, and primary amines

Spectroscopic Insights into O2 Activation
Valence-to-Core X-ray emission spectroscopy used to probe dicopper complexes

Metal–Organic Framework with Tunable Electric Conductivity
Adsorption of cadmium ions converts zinc-based framework into a conductor