Laurent Provins, UCB Pharma, Belgium, will be President of the Société Royale de Chimie (SRC)

New President of the Belgian-Walloon Royal Society of Chemistry

Happy New Year!
The team of wishes you a peaceful, healthy, and successful New Year 2020

Chemical Knowledge for New Year’s Eve
Fireworks, sparklers, sparkling wine, champagne, ... there is chemistry involved everywhere

Star-Shaped Ruthenium Complexes as Molecular Gears
Design and synthesis of two families of molecular‐gear prototypes

Why Many Transition-Metal Polysulfides Are Amorphous
Flexible polysulfide chains act similar to classical polymers

Angewandte 52/2019: Thank You and Happy Holidays
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Imaging Hexagonal Boron Nitride with Stimulated Raman Scattering
Enhanced imaging and thickness measurements

Observing Isomerization in Metal-Organic Chains
Mechanical strain-induced isomerization in 1D metal-organic chains on a copper surface

A Metal-Rich Semiconducting Subchalcogenide
Compound with properties between those of an intermetallic and a classical semiconductor

Ferracyclopentenone Complexes
Complexes containing a five-membered metallacycle are toxic toward cancer cell lines