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Piles of Perovskites
Environmentally friendly way to synthesize highly luminescent perovskites on a large scale

Tetracyclic Aromatics Shaped Like a Four-Leaf Clover
First example of transition metal center shared between four five-membered rings

How Large Can Aromatic Rings Get?
Evidence for aromaticity in nanorings with up to 162 π-electrons

Metal–Organic Framework Detects Antibiotics
Luminescent sensor for two different antibiotics could be used to detect drugs in the environment

Turning a Semimetal Into a Semiconductor
Zirconium ditelluride was modified using selenium substitution

Better Blue Fireworks
Chlorine-free blue-emitting pyrotechnical formulations were fine-tuned

Most Accessed Articles: December 2019
Highlights from ChemPubSoc Europe, ACES, and GDCh journals

New Blue Pigments with Reduced Content of Harmful Cobalt
"Hibonite blues" have intense, tunable colors