Two-photon crosslinking is used to microprint soft materials with orthogonal functionalities

3D Micromaterials with Programmable Chemistries

Evonik Completes Acquisition
Evonik completes acquisition of Performance Materials Division of Air Products

Chemical Process Safety – Test Your Knowledge
Consequences of electrostatic discharges

Flow Chemistry Is a Game Changer
Jean-Christophe Monbaliu, Berlgium, about developing new methods for organic synthesis

Guess the Chemist (61)
Can you guess the famous scientist from the description?

Towards Stable Lithium Metal Anodes
A CuN3 polymer composite forms a stable and highly conductive interphase on Li metal anodes for next generation batteries

To Tattoo or Not to Tattoo? – Part 2
Coloring materials employed in tattooing

Towards Improved Energy Storage
Tubular cell design concept for redox flow batteries (RDTs) uses for the first time ceramic membranes

GDCh Celebrates 150 Years
The GDCh (German Chemical Society) celebrates its 150th anniversary troughout the year with many activities

Happy New Year
We wish you all the best for a peaceful, healthy and successful 2017