Air Products made a bid to acquire all outstanding shares of Chinese Yingde Gases Group

Air Products Confirms Interest in Yingde

All-soft Electrical Conductors
Simple method to make all-soft liquid metal sponges with high electrical conductivity and flexibility

Basic Tips: Write Better Research Papers
Figurative summary on main tips to improve your writing

German Chemical Industry in 2016
2016 Data and outlook into the future

Oxygen Removal from Biogas
Methods to remove trace oxygen from simulated biogas (methane-rich gas with carbon doixide and co-component)

Neste MY Renewable Diesel
Diesel made 100 % from waste and residue

Speeding Up 19th Century Oil Paintings
Lead acetate and mastic resin in paint mixtures helped artists 200 years ago

Green Coolant for Forest Machines
Sveaskog tests more environmentally friendly coolant based on fossil-free oil from Neste

Recycling Salt from Industrial Wastewater
Covestro leads research project to recycle salt-laden industrial process water

Mystery of the Stradivari
Pretreatment, age, and vibration make wood of the famous violins unique