Do you remember what has happened in research and industry?
Chemistry Highlights of 2018
Dual‐Ion Battery Outperforming Most Known Cells
Ferric ferricyanide anode enables reversible sodium ion intercalation
Lithium Hydroxide Extraction from Residual Brine
Bolivia and ACI Systems Alemania found joint venture to extract and industrialize lithium
Diesel with a 33 % Renewable Composition
Diesel R33 enables carbon dioxide savings of at least 20 %
Robust Mobile Phone Cases
GTB Global Trade Berlin and Covestro cooperate for high-quality iPhone protection cases
Robot Refills Your Car
Neste pilots a filling station with automated shopping and a refueling robot in Finland
Energy-Efficient High-Speed Centrifuges
Small design changes cut energy consumption in half without losing separation efficiency
Gold Recycling
Selective dissolution of elemental gold from multi-metal sources in organic solutions
SABIC to Use Recycled Plastic Waste
Cooperation with UK-based plastic recycler Plastic Energy
German Industry Outperformed a Good 2017
The year 2018 saw good developments for the chemical-pharmaceutical industry in Germany