Bioleaching technology used to remove electronic components from printed circuit boards

Biodismantling Electronic Waste

Europe Builds World-Leading Supercomputer
LUMI will begin operations in mid-2021, boosting European competitiveness and research

SCIP Database Tracks Chemicals of Concern in Products
Making recycling of products safer and improving information about dangerous chemicals in products

OLED Manufacturing Expansion in Korea and China
Merck plans a € 20 million expansion of its OLED (organic light-emitting diode) manufacturing capacity at its sites in Pyeongtaek and Shanghai

Most Accessed Articles: September 2020
Highlights from Chemistry Europe, ACES, and GDCh journals

Chemical Companies to Become Leaner and More Focused
Many chemical companies are expected to cut their operating expenses, said J. Fitterling, CEO of Dow

EU Authorities Started Evaluating Data on COVID-19 Vaccines
European Medicines Agency (EMA) starts the first rolling reviews of two COVID-19 vaccines in the EU

Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2020
The prize was awarded to Emmanuelle Charpentier (Germany) and Jennifer A. Doudna (USA) for the development of a method for genome editing

Who's Next? Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2020 – Final Voting Results
Results of your predictions for today's Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Baumann Continues to be Bayer's CEO
Supervisory Board extends CEO Werner Baumann's contract until 2024