Interview with Paolo Melchiorre, ICIQ, Spain: "I am sure science will uncover and explain concepts that I cannot even imagine now."

Future Visions of Chemistry: Paolo Melchiorre

Results May Vary – First Quarter Data
The first quarter results show cautious optimism for the chemical industry.

Green Liquid Crystals on Display
Merck KGaA presents green materials for displays, lighting and photovoltaics at SID Display Week in Seattle.

Management Tip: Negotiation
Improve your Negotiating Skills ...

Application of Classical Resolution for Separation of DL-Serine
The knowledge of accurate solid-liquid phase equilibria serves as a basis for the design of crystallization processes.

Espresso – A Three-Step Preparation
Klaus Roth proves that no culinary masterpiece can be achieved without a basic knowledge of chemistry

R&D Spending
A look at the top countries for research and development expenditure within the EU and the rest of the world.

Obtaining the Keys to the Middle East
"First make sure you both want to get married, then go to the mayor" - key advice on how the chemical industry can succeed in the Middle East

3rd EuCheMS Congress
Chemistry – A Creative Force. European chemical societies invite chemists from all backgrounds to a multidisipinary conference.

Frontiers of Chemistry – Virtual Event
Nobel Laureate Presentations Available On-Demand