Improve your leadership skills ...

Management Tip: Leadership

Australian-Chinese CO2-Storage Project
Australian-Chinese joint demonstration project will store 2,000 m.t. of CO2 underground

Finding the Best Football Player
Social network analysis applied to football matches allows quantification of individual players’ performances

2009 ISI Impact Factors
Excellent results for Wiley's and Wiley-VCH's 2009 ISI Impact Factors

Flad Receives Carl-Duisberg-Plakette
Wolfgang Flad is honored by the GDCh with the Carl-Duisberg-Plakette for his engagement for chemistry

Analyzing the World Cup’s Football
In 2006 it was Teamgeist, this year there’s a new ball, and it’s proving to be just as controversial

European Journalists’ Prize
European Journalists’ Prize goes to Martin Thür, Austria, and Dr. Hellmuth Nordwig, Germany, for reports on doping and drug counterfeiting, respectively

Christian Wandrey Prize
Details on how to apply for the Christian Wandrey Prize for excellence in biotechnology theses.

Israel Journal of Chemistry
The first issue of the re-launched Israel Journal of Chemistry celebrates the structure, function and inactivation of ribosome.

Espresso – A Feast for the Senses
Klaus Roth concludes his look at espresso with a scrutinizing glance at the foamy, consolidated surface layer, the crema