Terry Caloghiris named as President – Strategic Initiatives and John McCool President – Performance Coatings, both effective Nov. 1

DuPont: Leadership Changes

Electrocoagulation Removes Chromium
Wastewater treatment technique removes chromium from well water without the addition of chemical reagents

Breakthrough for Creating Biorenewable Chemicals
Key features uncovered that control the high reactivity of gold nanoparticles in a process that oxidizes alcohols in water

Largest Specialty Gas Plants
Air Products buils two on-site ammonia plantsin China – the world’s first onsite, large-scale specialty gas plants

Microgel Particulates
Online particle size measurement in microgel particle suspensions from reflected laser light

BASF: 3rd Quarter Figures
BASF expects record year in 2010

Jet Fuels From Biomass Waste
Novel four-step process for the production of jet and diesel fuel range alkanes from hemicellulose extracts

E. Tsotsas Awarded
Evangelos Tsotsas is the 2010 recipient of the Excellence in Drying Research Award

BASF: New Facility in Middle East
BASF plans new blending facility for antioxidants in Bahrain

New EuCheMS President
The EuCheMS elected Ulrich Schubert, Vienna University of Technology, member of the Austrian chemical society, as their new president