A single molecular film prevents water loss through evaporation in water reservoir in Singapore
Stop Evaporation Losses
1st Industrial-scale MOF Synthesis
Method developed for solvent-free industrial-scale manufacture of MOFs for better gas storage - new opportunities for natural gas-powered vehicles
Top 20 Biopharma Employers
20 biopharma companies with the best reputations as employers in 2010
Cavitation Phenomena in Reciprocating Pumps
Experiments show that prevention of cavitation conditions for reciprocating pumps (due to API 674) might be unnecessary
T. Kraef Leads Dow Polyurethanes
Torsten Kraef new business group vice president of Dow Polyurethanes, a global business unit within Dow
3rd Summer School on Chemistry History
Report on "On Atoms And Molecules: 150 Years After the Congress of Karlsruhe" Summer School, Logroño, Spain, July, 2010
Nobel Prize in Chemistry
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry for 2010 was awarded to Wiley author Prof. Ei-ichi Negishi along with Richard Heck and Akira Suzuki
R&D Expenditure in Europe
R&D expenditure and number of researchers in Europe
Nobel Prize Quiz
Test your knowledge of the Nobel Prizes with our quiz
Nobel Prizes 2010
The 2010 Nobel Prizes have been awarded this week