Co-discoverer of the first synthesis of vanillin
Wilhelm Haarmann (1847 – 1931)
New EuChemS President
Floris Rutjes, Radboud University, the Netherlands, has been elected president of EuChemS
New GÖCH President
The Austrian Chemical Society (GÖCH) elected Peter Gärtner, TU Wien, as their new president
Paul Immerwahr (1866 – 1926)
Brother of Clara Immerwahr who provided the stimulus and money for the syntheses of the insecticide pyrethrum and artificial pepper
Guess the Chemist – Spices Special (5)
Can you guess the chemist? – The person has something to do with spices in the broadest sense
Guess the Chemist – Spices Special (4)
Can you guess the chemist? – The person has something to do with spices in the broadest sense
Situation of the Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry in Germany
Sales and production in 2020 and forecast for 2021
Guess the Chemist – Spices Special (3)
Can you guess the chemist? – The person has something to do with spices in the broadest sense
Most Accessed Articles: November 2020
Highlights from Chemistry Europe, ACES, and GDCh journals
Guess the Chemist – Spices Special (2)
Can you guess the chemist? – The person has something to do with spices in the broadest sense