An economic method based on a vacuum procedure can convert an off-the-shelf catalyst into a highly active photocatalyst without doping

Cheap Cats

First Turnkey Skid-mounted Chlor-alkali Electrolysis Plant
World’s first skid-mounted chlor-alkali electrolysis plant is to be successfully implemented at Leuna-Harze, Germany

Value Analysis of Modular Chemical Plants
Do the pros of a modular chemical plant outweigh the scale efficiencies of a large-scale plant?

US Reduces Pollution From Power Plants
US EPA proposes first national standard for mercury, arsenic and other toxic air pollution from power plants

Most Accessed Articles: February 2011
The most-accessed chemistry articles from ChemPubSoc Europe and GDCh journals for February 2011

Reinventing LCDs
Using microflows rather than voltage improves liquid crystal displays (LCDs) by making refresh rate ten times faster

How Do Nuclear Plants Work?
General introduction in how nuclear plants work

Solid-Phase PCR in Real Time
First tool for real-time monitoring of solid-phase DNA amplification using the polymerase chain reaction and surface plasmon resonance

Crystallization of Energetic Materials
The explosive RDX can be produced more safely with new electrospray crystallization method that minimizes defects

EU Greenhouse Gas Reduction Policy
20 % EU greenhouse gas reduction policy best way forwardaccording to Cefic