Kurt Bock takes over from Jürgen Hambrecht as the chairman of the Board of Executive Directors for BASF

Kurt Bock New BASF CEO

Dispelling the Myths About Pharma R&D
John L. LaMattina talks about his book Drug Truths and the myths about pharma R&D

Angewandte Chemie 20/2011: Fireworks
An overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Roald Hoffmann Awarded
Nobel laureate Professor Roald Hoffmann, Cornell University, NY, USA, receives the Otto Warburg Medal

Linde Expands in China
Linde builds large hydrogen and synthesis gas plant in China

Chemistry of a Hangover — Alcohol and its Consequences
How can a tiny molecule like ethanol be at the root of so much human misery?

DSM Elastomers Goes To LANXESS
DSM completes sale of DSM Elastomers to LANXESS

Wonderlab Comic — Goggles
Everything is back-to-front when an accident in Wonderlab turns Sophie into the safety monitor

Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Prizes 2011
Recognition and incentive for early career researchers goes to six researchers; remarkably young prize winners

Spinning Disc Reactor
New unique reactor particularly beneficial for the pharmaceutical and fine chemical industries