BASF to build new dispersions plant in Durban, South Africa, in 2012
BASF in Durban
Pilot Plant for German Lithium Ion Cells
BMBF signs agreement with expertise network lithium ion batteries (KLiB)
Rudolf Eidenschink Receives Karl Ferdinand Braun Prize
Dr. Rudolf Eidenschink, President of Nematel GmbH, Mainz, Germany, receives renowned Karl Ferdinand Braun Prize
Quality of Dutch Chemical Research
Evaluation of quality of science performed within the Chemistry Departments at Dutch universities in the period 2001–2009
First Flight by Solar Impulse Plane
First international flight by Solar Impulse plane without any fuel other than the power supplied by the sun
Evonik Finalizes Hanse Chemie Group Acquisition
Evonik finalizes acquisition of hanse chemie Group, purchasing agreement was signed at the end of March
Angewandte Author Profiles May
Kilian Muñiz, Anthony K. Cheetham, Luis M. Liz-Marzán, and Helmuth Möhwald, are interviewed this month
Angewandte Chemie 21/2011 – The Worm that Turned
An overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie
Portable System for Automated Analysis of DNA or RNA
Portable and robust chip-based detection system for viral contaminants developed
Highly Selective Alkene Dimerization
Rhodium immobilized on zeolites can dimerize ethene with high selectivity without the need for ligands