Summary of the third quarter results from the chemical industry which saw solid revenue growth in a difficult environment

Third Quarter Results 2011

Joint NMR Research Facility
Agilent Technologies Inc. and the University of Technology, Sydney, establish a joint NMR research facility

Carbon-Chitosan Complex Removes Heavy Metal
Novel activated carbon-chitosan complex removes Pb2+ and Cd2+ from industrial wastewaters

Partnership for Renewable, Phthalate-free Plasticizers
BioAmber and LANXESS Partner for Renewable, Phthalate-free Plasticizers

Too Much Nano in the EU
European Chemical Industry Council's definition for nanomaterials is said to add unnecessary burdens to companies

Angewandte Chemie 44/2011: A Combination Made in Heaven
An overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Most Accessed Articles: September 2011
The most-accessed chemistry articles from ChemPubSoc Europe and GDCh journals for September 2011

3D Microfluidic Origami
US researchers have used the paper folding art of origami to construct 3D microfluidic devices using a single-step photolithographic process

ICIS Innovation Awards Announced
The annual ICIS Innovation Awards recognize companies that have made significant steps forward through R&D and innovation

Curing Bladder Production in Brazil
Rhein Chemie invests EUR 10 million in a new production facility in Brazil to manufacture curing bladders and polymer-bound chemicals