First chiral dopants that induce a helical inversion in chiral nematic liquid crystals (N*-LC) may be applicable for advanced optical memory devices
Dynamic Photoswitching in Liquid Crystals
CatchBio — Speaking With Consortium Partners
B. Weckhuysen, E. Bouwnan, E. de Jong, consortium partners in CatchBio, talk about their experiences, their expectations, why CatchBio is so unique
Wonderlab Comic — Open
In every lab there are three cursed objects that should never be opened — Wonderlab is no different ...
Plant Biotech Trends
Biotech crops reached 160 million hectares in 2011 with the US and Brazil dominating the global market
Frank Behrendt: Renewable Energy – Public Perception and Future Visions
Frank Behrendt, Technische Universität Berlin, talks about the public perception of renewable energy and the sustainable cities of the future
Inkjet Printing of Single-Crystal Films
Drop-on-demand, non-vacuum and room-temperature printing process of patterned single-crystal semiconductor films
Editor-in-Chief of ChemViews Awarded
Vera Köster, Wiley-VCH, is awarded for the planning, development, and running of the ChemistryViews website
German Chemistry Fights Against Weak Phase
Economic situation of the German chemical industry in the fourth quarter of 2011
Nicholson New Bayer CropScience R&D Head
Bayer CropScience names Dr. C. David Nicholson new Head of Research & Development
Substances of Very High Concern?
New public consultation on thirteen potential Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) launched by ECHA (European Chemicals Agency)