Economic recovery brings return to growth of carbon dioxide emissions
Global Emissions of Carbon Dioxide
Generous Funding for University
SABIC supports scientific studies at King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM), new avenues for collaborative research
German Chemical Business Picking Up Again
Chemical industry in Germany had a good start in the new year, according to most recent quarterly report of industry association VCI
Handelsblatt Stratley Award
The Handelsblatt Stratley Award for junior executives in the chemical industry has been awarded to Dr. F. Bertinchamps, SABIC
First-ever European Sustainability Report
European chemical industry is determined to play a key role in ensuring that by 2050 over 9 billion people live within the resources of our planet
Fraunhofer Society Research Awards
Several prestigous awards for research with industrial applications were awarded at the Fraunhofer Society annual conference
Impacts of Wind Farms on Temperature
Large wind farms appear to affect local land surface temperatures, according to US scientists
Online Monitoring of Vinyl Chloride Polymerization
Novel capillary-based microfluidic device allows investigating the vinyl polymerization reaction under difficult conditions
Optimization of Solar Power Plants
New software for optimal planning of solar power plants
Ranbaxy Launches Anti-Malaria Drug
India’s first new drug; first recently developed antimalarial not based on artemisinin