European Chemical Agency (ECHA) prepares industry for the next REACH registration deadline on 31 May 2013
Next REACH Deadline
Solar Records
Longest flight planned for manned solar plane and start of work in Morocco to construct largest solar power plant ever built Second Anniversary
Celebrating two exciting and successful years – looking back on what we've achieved and forward to your feedback and a great third year
Merck Acquires Interest in QLight Nanotech
Merck expands capabilities on novel materials for display and lighting
Most Accessed Articles: April 2012
The most-accessed chemistry articles from ChemPubSoc Europe and GDCh journals for April 2012
Controlled Structure Foams
Methodology applicable to parametric study of foaming process helps to optimize the operating conditions or adapt the formulation
Structure of Spider Silk Proteins
Information on structures allow construction of molecular picture of silk assembly process that might lead to large-scale in vitro fiber formation
Combined European Chemical And Water Strategy
SusChem and WssTP formalize their long-standing alliance for the benefit of sound water management in Europe
Highest MS Resolution in Latin America
Bruker delivers an ultra-high mass resolution 15 Tesla FTMS System for petroleomics to ECOPETROL S.A. in Colombia
Global Wind Energy Competence Center
Bayer MaterialScience to establish global wind energy competence center in Denmark pooling expertise in research and development