Latest results for the predictions for the 2012 Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Who's Next? 2012 Nobel Prize in Chemistry – Voting Results Friday 28 September

ChemCar Competition 2012
The seventh ChemCar Competition took place on September 12, 2012

Rare Earth Recycling
Investment worth more than 15 million EUR to recycle rare earths from end-of-life equipment

All Hazardous Substances on EU Market
The Classification and Labelling (C&L) Inventory now contains all information on hazardous substances on the EU market

Sabic and Cambridge University Partnership
Sabic signed multi-year agreement with the University of Cambridge, to allow joint research

Drinking Air Moisture
New pumping device makes use of air moisture to gain potable water

Novo Nordisk Expands Research in China
Novo Nordisk invests an additional $100 million to expand its research facilities in Beijing, China

Miniemulsions for Production of Nanostructured Particles
Overcoming technological challenges in producing nano-sized, hybrid particles, especially with regard to continuous processing

Joint Research Laboratory for Graphene
BASF and Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research (MPI-P) opened joint R&D platform, the Carbon Materials Innovation Center (CMIC)

Who's Next? 2012 Nobel Prize in Chemistry
Make your predictions for the 2012 Nobel Prize in Chemistry here