Collaboration of Thermo Fisher Scientific and Immundiagnostik to combine antibody technology and mass spectroscopy

Novel Assays for Research and Clinical Routine

Introducing the European Young Chemist Network (EYCN)
The EYCN supports chemists as they begin their careers, with activities aimed at developing soft skills and broadening career possibilities

A. Wheeler Awarded Heinrich Emanuel Merck Prize
Aaron Wheeler, Canada, awarded the Heinrich Emanuel Merck Prize for work on the microfluidic extraction and quantification of estrogen

Novasep Invests 30 Million EUR
Largest chromatography plant for purification-based manufacturing in pharmaceutical industry

Who's Next? 2012 Nobel Prize in Chemistry – Final Voting Results Wednesday 10 October
Final summary of results for ChemistryViews readers likely and unlikely, serious and whimsical suggestions for Nobel Prize winners

REACH Registration Statistics
European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) published statistics on the origin and types of REACH registration dossiers and registered substances

University World Ranking 2012 by TimesHE
The Times Higher Education University Ranking places Caltech in the top spot with the Univeristy of Oxford and Stanford joint second

Kley New VCI President
Dr. Karl-Ludwig Kley, Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, elected President of the German Chemical Industry Association (VCI)

Who's Next? 2012 Nobel Prize in Chemistry – Voting Results Friday 5 October
Latest results for the predictions for the 2012 Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Methyl Ricinoleate as Platform Chemical
Methyl ricinoleate can be used as a platform chemical for the synthesis of a variety of functional compounds of interest