World’s largest butanol plant to power Saudi Arabia’s paints industry

First Butanol Plant in the Middle East

New DECHEMA President: R. Diercks
Rainer Diercks, BASF SE, Germany, has succeeded Hans Jürgen Wernicke as the DECHEMA President

Attract Top-level Scientists to Poorer EU Regions
European Commission launched project to attract outstanding academics to universities or institutions in less developed regions in Europe

Travelling at Hypersonic Speed
Steps towards flying in 90 minutes from Europe to Australia

Influence of Climate Change on Chemicals
How Will Global Climate Change Influence the Way We Assess and Manage Chemicals in the Environment?

Modeling of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
Eventually, the local thermal equilibrium assumption can be safely adopted for thermal modeling of SOFCs running on hydrogen or alternative fuels

Linde Acquires Homecare Calea France SAS
Linde further expands existing operations in European homecare market - medical services relating to treatment of patients outside hospitals

ECHA Increases Transparency
European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) starts to publish comments during Harmonised Classification and Labelling (CLH) public consultations

Tired of Rankings
Planned boycott of rankings of the German Chemistry Departments at the Universities

Production Site for Antioxidant Blends in Bahrain
BASF is opening a state-of-the-art production site for customer specific antioxidant blends (CSB) in the Kingdom of Bahrain