, ChemPubSoc Europe’s news and information site, looks back on 1,000 exciting, successful days in worldwide chemistry community

1000 Days Online

Solvay's Silica Production Increasing
Solvay to build a new silica plant in Wloclawek, Poland

Free-trade Agreements for US and Europe
Preliminary talks for a trade pact with the EU to capitalize on the big price drop of natural gas

Four New Technology Centers
SABIC increases its total number of research facilities to 18 worldwide

Our Daily Bread — Part 1
Transformation of ripe ears of grain into a fragrant, aromatic bread borders on the miraculous and behind such a miracle lies chemistry

Tomas Kåberger on Global Energy Industry
Professor T. Kåberger, Sweden, expert of science, economics, and politics of the global energy industry with broad experience in Europe and Asia

Low-cost Water Decolorization
Spent dye can be effectively removed from effluent by adsorption onto unwanted agricultural or industrial by-products

Shale Gas: Impact on the Petrochemical Industry
Development of shale oil and gas has opened new sources of oil, natural gas, and key petrochemical feedstocks

What is Shale Gas? How Does Fracking Work?
How does hydraulic fracturing (fracking) and horizontal drilling make natural gas trapped in shale rock formations financially feasible and accessible?

World Chemical Sales, Imports, and Exports 2011 Data
World chemical sales in 2011 are valued at € 2,744 billion, an increase of 95 % in value terms compared with 2001