New approaches for trans-free hydrogenated fat production include selective hydrogenation catalysts or selectively removing trans isomers

Saying Goodbye to trans Fats

Friedrich-Löffler Prize Awarded
Dr. Sergiy Antonyuk, Technical University of Hamburg-Harburg, Germany, has been awarded the Friedrich-Löffler Prize of the VDI-GVC

Ultrapure Ceramic Material
Extremely durable, high resistant, transparent ceramic developed

Dieter Behrens Medal for S. Feyo de Azevedo
Sebastião Feyo de Azevedo, Portugal, at the 9th European Congress of Chemical Engineering (ECCE-9)

Catalyst Atoms in Nanowires
Silicon nanowires can be doped with surprisingly high amounts of aluminium during their growth

From Brimstone to Feedstock
The elemental sulfur byproduct of petroleum desulfurization could be a new feedstock material for copolymers in lithium-sulfur batteries

More Power for US Industry
Discussion on new bill bringing changes to the Science Advisory Board (SAB) of the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Allergic to Animal Tests?
BASF and Promega develop an alternative method to identify allergenic substances

New Alkoxylation Facility in Singapore
Solvay announces project to build large-scale alkoxylation facility in Singapore to start operations by 2015

Arsenic in Beer
Arsenic is released into beer from kieselguhr, a widely used filtering material