Evonik has started basic engineering for a production plant for precipitated silica in Brazil

Evonik Plans New Silica Plant in Brazil

From Pharmacy to the Pub — A Bark Conquers the World: Part 1
The quinine-containing bark of the Cinchona tree is probably the most valuable drug the Americas gave the world

Plant Biotech Trends 2012
Biotech crops reached 170 million hectares in 2012

Wonderlab Comic – Save My Phone!
Richpunzel resorts to extreme measures to dry her new phone after an accident

Global Development of Fiber Production
Industrial Association of Chemical Fibers presents its report for 2012

Separation of Isomers by Milling
Separation of dicarboxylic acids through solid-state molecular recognition and mechanochemistry

Picture Competition – A Year in the Lab: The Chemist’s View
Submit your outstanding photo and have the chance to be selected for a calendar and win one of 12 exciting prizes

9th European Congress of Chemical Engineering (ECCE)
Europe’s largest science and business congress on Chemical Engineering and Applied Biotechnology was held in Den Haag

Machine-Assisted Flow Synthesis
Flow-based syntheses to accelerate multistep routes to highly complex, medically relevant compounds have been evaluated

Most Accessed Articles: March 2013
The most-accessed chemistry articles from ChemPubSoc Europe and GDCh journals for March 2013