G. Dancet, Executive Director, European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), talks about the past, present, and future challenges of the agency

Challenges of REACH – Interview with Geert Dancet

More Efficient Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells
Atomic layer deposition produces ultrathin blocking layers that significantly increase the overall efficiency of dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs)

Largest Natural Gas Based Gasification Complex for Syngas Chemicals
Linde to invest more than $200 million in Texas to build largest air separation facility in the US

2nd REACH Deadline
The 2nd deadline falls May 31 and applies to chemicals produced in, or imported into, the EU in annual volumes of 100-1,000 t

Most Accessed Articles: April 2013
The most-accessed chemistry articles from ChemPubSoc Europe and GDCh journals for April 2013

Milestones Reached for REACH
The European chemicals regulation REACH enters its second deadline and companies now must start working for the third phase

Frances Arnold Awarded Emanuel Merck Lectureship 2013
Professor Frances Arnold, Caltech, USA, has been awarded the Emanuel Merck Lectureship and will deliver a special public lecture

Increasing Importance of IT Security
IT security is becoming a cornerstone of the German economy

Egypt Failed to Spend Research Budget
Egyptian annual research budget cut as ministry of scientific research only spent 18 % of its annual budget

Health Warnings for Shampoos?
Personal care products carry no hazardous symbols as they are explicitly excluded from the regulation for labeling of chemicals