Michael Hampe, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, argues that scientists should not oversell their work in the pursuit of competitive funding

Science on the Market: What Does Competition Do to Research?

Transition to Renewable Systems
Identifying the most promising strategies for the generation, storage, distribution, and utilization of renewable energy for different countries

New Route for Large-Scale Graphene Production
In his 1000st paper Fraser Stoddart describes a direct exfoliation of graphene sheets from graphite in water

LiBSi2: New Boron and Silicon Framework
Tetrahedral semiconductor framework from boron and silicon is a promising material for lithium-ion batteries

Economic Trends of Biotechnology in Germany
Chairman of the German Association of Biotechnology Industries (DIB; Deutsche Industrievereinigung Biotechnologie) reported on trends and demands

From Pharmacy to the Pub — A Bark Conquers the World: Part 2
Thomas Buchler, CEO of the quinine producer Buchler & Co., talks about the ups and downs of the international cinchona trade

Efficient Inkjet Printing of Graphene
Efficient and mature inkjet printing technology is introduced for mass production of coffee-ring-free patterns of high-quality graphene at high resolution

International Chemical Trade 2011 Data
The European Union (EU) remains the largest importer and exporter of chemicals despite a decrease in competitiveness

Wonderlab Comic – The Forgotten Savior
Regular checks of the safety equipment in the lab are very important as the occupants of Wonderlab find out

Uwe Bornscheuer on Biocatalysis and Publishing
Professor Uwe Bornscheuer talks about his exciting field of research, biocatalysis and protein engineering, and his broad experience in publishing