The most-accessed chemistry articles from ChemPubSoc Europe, ACES, and GDCh journals for August 2013

Most Accessed Articles: August 2013

Working Together
Cocultures of microalgae and cyanobacteria show higher biomass production for biofuel than their monocultures

Growing Thin Films of Germanium
Method to grow germanium crystals at low temperatures makes flexible electronics possible

New Refrigerant Fluorinated Gas 1234yf
Arkema to construct production plant for refrigerant gas

How Compliant are Companies with REACH?
ECHA Forum's second enforcement project (REF-2) checked the compliance of downstream users with the essential requirements of the REACH and CLP regulations

All-purpose 3D Printer
Robust 3D printing approach for printing materials with easy-to-modify surfaces to eliminate the need for multiple 3D printers

Potential of Straw as Renewable Fuel Feedstock
Neste Oil and Raisioagro to research the potential of straw as a renewable fuel feedstock

Winner of the Jokes Competition 2013
The favorite joke of ChemistryViews readers is ...

Swiss Chemical and Pharamceutical Industry Awards
The inaugural KGF-SCS Industrial Investigator Awards were presented at the Swiss Chemical Society Gala dinner in Lausanne

The Challenges of Regulating Nanomaterials
Dr. Otto Linher, European Commission, talks about the challenges of defining and regulating nanomaterials