ECHA concluded compliance checks for over 1000 registration dossiers submitted for the first registration deadline

REACH: Quality of Registration Dossiers

Simplification of Full Color Electrochromic Devices
Multicolored electrochromism by using a trilayer film and only one working electrode for electronic paper devices

Plastics-to-Oil Technologies Alliance
Plastics-to-Oil Technologies Alliance formed as new group within the Plastics Division of the American Chemistry Council (ACC)

Active Microfluidic Paper Chip
A full range of fluidic operations can be achieved with active, paper-based microfluidic chips driven by electrowetting

Arkema Doubles Production Capacity in China
Arkema to construct new organic peroxide facility, doubling production capacity in China

Wastewater-Treatment Systems for Chinese Refinery
Siemens will supply wastewater-treatment systems to refinery in China

Inorganic Paper Prevents Destruction of Documents
A nonflammable inorganic paper can be used for the long-term storage of data or for the removal and recycling of organic pollutants

Chinese Enter Shale Gas Market
Chinese energy company is planning a joint venture with US partners to drill shale gas wells in Pennsylvania

International Experience in Scientific Education: Distracting or Indispensible?
Science is an increasingly global endeavour but doctoral education continues to take place largely within a single institution

Chemical Technology of the 1910s
100 years ago, Fritz Ullmann started to discuss topics related to industrial chemistry: state-of-the art of the 1910s