Photochemical reaction system reliably treats water at high flow rates by UV light without chemical catalysts
High-Efficiency Water Treatment with UV-Light
Guess the Chemist (29)
Can you guess the famous scientist from the description?
Chemical Technology of the 1950s
100 years ago, Fritz Ullmann started to discuss topics related to industrial chemistry, the third edition covered the state-of-the art of the 1950s
Chemical Poem: Bromine
Poems based on the natural properties of each of the elements of the periodic table
BASF’s Largest Single-plant Investment
BASF evaluates natural gas-based investment on the U.S. Gulf Coast
Analytical Trends of the Food Industry
Dr. Suman, Barilla, and Dr. Biasioli, Fondazione Edmund Mach, talk about analytical chemistry and recent trends
Fracking Chemicals
Experts from the German Chemical Society (GDCh) summarize current knowledge gaps from the perspective of water chemistry
Sustainable Paint Brush Cleaner
Paint brush cleaner is completely label-free, contains no solvents, does not irritate the skin, is pH-neutral, is odor-free – and works
New Arkema Electrolysis Unit
Arkema inaugurates a new electrolysis unit in near Grenoble, France
Chemicals Used in Fracking
Baker Hughes Inc. (BHI) plans to disclose all of the chemicals used in fracking fluids