2013 saw highest number of patents filed for research on shale gas extraction technology

Increase in Fracking Patents

Renewable Oils Plant in Brazil
Solazyme and Bunge, both USA, start commercial production at their joint venture plant in Brazil

Metallic Room-Temperature Oxide Ion Conductor
A potential candidate for more efficient solid oxide bismuth and iridium fuel cells

3D Model Lung
3D test system allows to simulate what happens in the human lung

100th Anniversary: Joseph Swan's Death
Joseph Swan's research led to developments in photography and the invention of a practical incandescent light bulb

Job: Assistant Editor ChemistryViews.org
ChemistryViews.org is looking for an Assistant Editor (f/m)

BASF Broadens Portfolio of Battery Materials Technology
Commercial production of lithium iron phosphate (LFP) cathode materials in Germany

The Development of a Complete Mind: Integration of the Sciences, Humanities, and Arts
Jay T. Goodwin and David G. Lynn discuss the integration of the sciences, humanities, and arts to teach the concepts of evolution

Trans-Atlantic Biochemical Alliance
Collaboration between the European and American biochemical societies

Chrome Diopside
Answer to Guess the Mineral from April