BASF is reorganizing the set-up of its paper chemicals business

Reorganization at BASF

Behind the Science: Designing Printable Medicinal Products
Dr. Zimmermann, Chemical Engineering & Technology, talks to Professor Rantanen, University of Copenhagen, about his recent article

Who's Next? Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2014 – Voting Results Friday 26 September
Latest results of the predictions for the 2014 Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Far-red Light Beneficial for Algae Growth
Far-red light improves growth and chemical composition of the alga Chlorella vulgaris

IUCr-UNESCO OpenFactory
As part of the activities of the International Year of Crystallography, STOE, DECTRIS, and Xenocs invited young scientists

Merck Acquires Sigma-Aldrich
Merck to acquire Sigma-Aldrich to enhance its position in Life Science Industry

Celestine has the chemical composition SrSO4 and crystals are often bluish in color; answer to Guess the Mineral

Who's Next? Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2014 – Voting Results Friday 19 September
Latest results for the predictions for the 2014 Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Dow Jones Sustainability Indices Review 2014
The first global index to track the financial performance of the leading sustainability-driven companies

C−H Functionalization: Collaborative Methods to Redefine Chemical Logic
Bringing together scientists with a wide spectrum of expertise allows collaborative synthetic organic chemistry